18 August 2020
A specialist of our company has become a certified Microsoft instructor

Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) are leading experts in technology and training for Microsoft products, highly trained professionals who have not only technical knowledge of Microsoft products, technologies and solutions, but also teaching experience.

Today Andrey Braun, software architect of SystemZ company, has confirmed the status of Microsoft Certified Trainer, having successfully passed the certification exam.

For several years Andrey has been the head of the software implementation group of our company. He has over 50 completed projects and over 1000 hours of online training on Microsoft technologies.

- What are the benefits of being a Microsoft Certified Trainer?

Andrew Braun: “MCTs get full access to a library of official Microsoft training and certification programs, substantial discounts on exams, Microsoft literature and software, and invitations to exclusive local MCT and Microsoft events.”

- How is certification going?

Andrey Braun: “It takes place in several stages. To confirm MCT status, you need to:

  • Obtain at least one of several Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certifications or Microsoft Dynamics qualifications before applying for the program;
  • prove your teaching skills;
  • fill out an online application for the MCT Application status;
  • make a cash contribution for participation in the MCT program;
  • await confirmation from Microsoft."

- Why did you decide to confirm your MCT status?

Andrey Braun: “For me, this is an important step in the development of my technical and teaching skills. Obtaining MCT status gives me the opportunity to provide training on various Microsoft technology stacks."

- How difficult was it to pass the certification?

Andrey Braun: “It was quite difficult, but I did it”.

- Share your impressions of successful MCT confirmation.

Andrey Braun: “I am very glad and pleased that I managed to do it. I will move on."